Productlane changelog

Product Hunt Launch, simple upvotes and email notifications

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We launched on Producthunt two weeks ago and it was a blast! Thank you so much, we were busy since then keeping up with all the new feedback that came in. We try to send invites to around 10 users per week to make sure everything runs smoothly for you. If you have a more urgent need, please leave us a message and we're happy to prioritize you!

Simple upvotes

We got a few requests that the public portal is more useful when users can upvote directly, without leaving feedback. We see the problem, that an upvote is not as insightful as written feedback, but we now tried to combine the best of both worlds. Users can upvote by just leaving their email once and are prompted to leave more feedback after each upvote if they have an urge to do so. By leaving their e-mail, as a product manager, you can contact them directly to get more feedback from them. Let us know what you think!

E-Mail Notifications

Sometimes, users get feedback on the portal which is more urgent and requires a quick response. That's why we added a customizable e-mail notification for each new feedback that comes in through the portal. As well as when a new changelog draft is ready for you.

Fixes & Improvements

  • You can now search through people when using "CMD+K" or just use the shortcut "U"

  • You can now select the project in the new feedback modal

  • Fixed a bug that made import Issues to a changelog not working

  • The feedback on the people details view is now sorted by creation date

  • When saving the feedback, it's now saved with breaks

  • Fixed a bug where the changelog editor overflowed with long strings

  • Fixed a bug where you needed to reload the page on the feedback details, when you created a project with CMD K, so it appears in the project dropdown

  • Fixed that newly created projects are not in the CMD+K search, only after reload

  • Improved the load time for saving projects due to the Linear integration

  • Fixed a bug where a big black line appears on some screens

  • Improved readability of the segments labels

  • Reworked the options menu on feedback details and added shortcuts

  • We removed the default "Public Portal" Link on the changelog

  • Changed the sorting to show the newest feedback on the project details on top

  • Fixed a bug where ticking the checklist didn't work sometimes

  • Truncated the text in the milestone and team selector buttons

  • Fixed a bug where changing the milestone to "No milestone" didn't work sometimes

  • Fixed a bug on the portal where the link in the footer didn't work when clicking a bit outside

  • We removed the "edit"-button in the project details and put it in the 3 dots-menu

  • Fixed that the Esc shortcut navigated back to a deleted feedback

  • Fixed a bug where the CMD Delete shortcut for feedback didn't work sometimes

  • Improved the look of the initial loading screen 🎨

  • Fixed a bug on the portal, that the feedback form got wider with an error message

  • Fixed a bug where the tooltips did not disappear sometimes

  • We disabled the tooltips mobile (Obviously you have no shortcuts there 😏)

  • New items count in the sidebar now updates after creating or deleting feedbacks

  • Fixed a bug that the "GR" shortcut to go back to the roadmap, sometimes opened the Email reply

  • When you archive a changelog, you now don't need to reload anymore to make it disappear

  • We removed the roadmap link on the changelog when the roadmap is private