Productlane changelog
Linear customer requests integration

Today, we're doubling down on our Linear integration and our commitment to deliver purpose-built and perfectly integrated software, instead of endless customization that slows you down.
Linear's latest launch of customer requests allows you to display customers and their feedback from Productlane directly in Linear, making the feedback way more impactful and visible for your product team.
Show requests in Linear and mark highlights important
You can now mark individual highlights in Productlane as important, which will be reflected inside Linear. This is really powerful, as customers often send you messages with multiple feature requests or bugs, that have different importance.

Bi-directional sync of Linear Customers
Linear now supports different customer properties like stage, tier, or revenue. We natively integrate these, meaning you can now edit and create these from within your thread and company view.

Public roadmap importance button
Now, you can get more high-quality customer feedback on your portal. After upvoting a feature, users will be asked if this feature should be marked as important. To do so, they need to write some context around the request, which will be visible as an important request in Linear.

Make calls visible in Linear
We wanted to do this for a long time but weren't able to in Linear's previous "Links" section: Displaying the exact second of a user call where the person talked about this issue. We were finally able to ship this and it will enable your whole product team to get a much better feeling for what the customer really wanted.
If you're doing user interviews in your company, we highly recommend to use our call recorder to make these insights truly visible for your team in the right context and be able to close the loop with customers on their feedback.

Right now, recordings in Linear are limited to issues only. Early next year, Linear will enable linking requests to projects, so this part of Productlane will seamlessly work. You will finally be able to see all feedback from your public roadmap projects inside Linear, making it even more impactful and visible than ever before.
Make the switch
With the combination of Linear and Productlane, your user's feedback will have significantly more impact on your actual roadmap, compared to using any separate tool for your feature requrests. You can even move your entire customer support to Productlane.
Use our Productboard importer, which transfers everything smoothly with one click. Or use our CSV Upload to bring all feedback from your legacy tools to Productlane, link it to Linear issues, and start really influencing your roadmap with this feedback.