Productlane changelog

Multi-select, inbox filters and contacting multiple people

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Today, we introduce a new way to make your life much easier when handling vast amounts of feedback data and enabling you to reach out to multiple people simultaneously.

Contact all people associated with an issue or project

If you navigate to an issue or project detail page, you can now copy all emails or download a CSV of all people who are associated with it. It helps you to quickly ask for more feedback or follow up on features with multiple people at once.


Do you want to process or even delete several notes at once? Click the checkbox next to the note and use the shortcuts E to process and D to delete. You can just as quickly move back notes from processed to your inbox by selecting them and pressing E.
In case you want to process all notes effortlessly, we enabled select all for you as well:
CMD + A. This allows you to handle several notes with just one click.

Inbox filters

Filters save you time when wanting to take a closer look or handle only a specific group of notes. On your notes overview, just click "Filters" in the top right corner and filter by

  • Origin: Filter by the original feedback source; see which source creates the most feedback.

  • Importance: Filter by importance; handle high importance notes first.

  • Creator: Filter by the creator; find notes created by only you or by a colleague.

  • Segments: Filter by segment; find individual feedback types, e.g., filter by the role of the feedback provider.