Productlane changelog

Smart Feedback Inbox

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A new week has passed, and we have some exciting updates for major workflows. Thanks to every one of you who gave feedback or wrote us to get access earlier. We're super happy to see so many of you jumping on our waitlist every day – don't hesitate to drop us a message and get bumped up the waitlist!

We worked on one thing to help you really delight your users: A smart feedback inbox. It tackles a problem we had ourselves and saw with our first users: When you receive feedback, it's scattered in Linear tickets, Notion, Intercom, Front, Slack, and other tools. 

That makes it really hard to get back to your users and let them know that you acted upon their feedback. Currently, this is a lot of manual work, you need to go through all links on a Linear ticket, or search wherever a user requested a feature and contact them afterward.

That's why we built this process into Productlane. After adding a feedback, you can connect it to an issue or project. When those are marked done in Linear, the linked feedback in Productlane will now bump back in your inbox. That way you can get in touch with all your users who gave feedback, create that magic moment and make them really feel heard.

Create Linear issues from Productlane

So far, you were only able to connect a feedback with a project, now you can do the same with issues. The Linear issue status will be shown directly on the feedback list, so you know how things are progressing.

Review projects before publishing

A big blocker for a lot of you was that projects were public on your portal by default. This was of course not an ideal situation, and we understand that leaking upcoming features are the last thing you want to do. Now, every new project needs to be approved for publishing on your portal. So you can do your work in peace and communicate only the features your users need to see and give feedback on.

Changelog improvements

We can see how many of you are interested in writing your changelogs in Productlane. That's why we improved the experience of writing them. Importing issues from Linear is now easier and faster since we improved the UX all-around. Keep an eye out, we are listening to your feedback, and we are looking for ways to improve the experience even further.

Other improvements and bug fixes

There is also a slew of other fixes and minor improvements:

  • The feedback input on your portal now grows when you type more text

  • You can finally drag & drop Projects 👐

  • “No milestone” is now selected per default when creating a new project

  • Fixed a bug where a click on the changelog link led to the bottom of the changelog detail page

  • Fixed a bug where, when logged out, the changelog page did not forward to the login page

  • Fixed a bug where text on the changelog detail view was floating over the navigation

  • Sometimes the linear API errored out and took down the whole app (fixed 😅)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling on long feedbacks

  • When you change the name of your Linear org, the name will now be synched in Productlane

  • Fixed a bug, where the people search sometimes didn't work

  • You can now delete people

As always, we are looking forward to hearing from you about feature ideas and more suggestions, so we can continually improve Productlane.
